About us

Fairwonder.com began as Meowarrior.com, founded by artist Linda, as a platform to showcase the beautiful 3D pet portrait art of talented artists from the United States, China, and Southeast Asia, etc. As Meowarrior grew, Linda realized the business could be something more - a force for good in the world.
In 2023, Meowarrior became Fairwonder, expanding its mission to economically empower artisans worldwide. At Fairwonder, we curate a thoughtfully selected collection of handmade items that are ethically produced and environmentally sustainable. From pet portraits to jewelry, home goods to fashion accessories, every item purchased supports makers in developing regions and SMBs in the US.
We believe that commerce can uplift communities when done transparently and fairly. Our artisans are paid living wages, work reasonable hours, and labor in safe conditions. We nurture personal connections between creators and customers, sharing the stories of the people behind the products.
While continuing to offer custom pet art, Fairwonder now features talented artisans and artists from around the globe. Our expanded collection allows conscientious consumers to discover one-of-a-kind products that align with their values.
Fairwonder also provides a supportive community for art enthusiasts. In our blog, crafters can find inspiration, tips, and interviews with makers. We foster connections between people who share creative passions.
At the core of Fairwonder is the belief that ethical business practices have the power to change lives for the better. When makers thrive, so do their communities. We are fulfilled by doing good through unique handmade goods that make a lasting impact. Please explore our collection and join us in this journey!
Feel free to contact us at hi@fairwonder.com if you have any questions or problems that need to be addressed.